What Does Industrial Design Cost?

One of the most common questions when starting out is how much will this cost? As every project varies in scope, as well as type of service arrangement, there's no one size fits all.  

Read on for a fun explanation of why there is such variation, and remember that services can generally be tailored to your specific needs and budget. If you want to learn more about who I work with, services and rates, have a read also through Working Together.

Industrial Design is lot like baking.

Whilst the length of a piece of string is the classic comparison, I've found it better to use a baking analogy to illustrate cost. Choc-Chip Cookies are always a hit, so lets go with that.

There are many recipes variations around for Choc-Chip cookies. Differences based on ingredients, dietary requirements, methods, the tools or appliances you have available, and of course time and quality. Picking out three extremes, one could bake a Choc-Chip Cookie in 2 minutes, in 2 hours, or in 2 days. Depending on the time, ingredients and tools you have, the method and quality will vary.

The 2-minute Choc-Chip Cookie: this cookie has fewer ingredients, is quickly mixed into into a bowl, scooped onto a plate, and microwaved. A minute or two later, out comes a Choc-Chip Cookie. It's edible. It's a cookie. It'll do the job, but it's not great.

The 2-hour Choc-Chip Cookie: this cookie is a good, all round recipe, made in a larger batch, with better quality ingredients. Mix it up to desired chunkiness, then throw it in the fridge for an hour to chill. Once chilled, scoop onto a tray, and then pop them into an oven for 12-15 minutes. This is a cookie you'd give to family and friends; chewy, melty, a light sheen, tastes great.

The 2-day Choc-Chip Cookie: this cookie is epic. Fresh made toffee bits, brown butter, large chunks of high % cacao chocolate, all hand mixed and rolled into large balls. Once rolled, freeze for 36 hours for the best colour, texture and flavour. Then bake to golden. Season immediately with flaky salt. This is cookie perfection.

Starting to see the pattern?

Baking cookies is a great way to talk about product development budgets.

The same theory applies to Industrial Design and wider Product Development. You can develop a product in two weeks, two months or two years. Two weeks might be fastest, and therefore cheapest, but the product might not work. Ask yourself how many prototypes could be designed and built and tested in that timeframe? Probably zero.

Two months should yield a more considered and validated result, with more time for development and testing. And two years would ensure everything is perfect.

These timeframes are examples of course, for effect, with exact time frames varying from project to project, with plenty of shades of grey. Budgets and timeframes for product development are exactly the same.

So the cost of Industrial Design or Product Development in general must reflect the outcome you/your business needs. Have a realistic think about your budget, because I'll need to ask that question to understand what outcome you need, the same way you'll need to ask me what it will cost.

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