Product Strategy

Product Strategy is the cornerstone of successful product development. I collaborate closely with you to understand your vision, market needs, and user requirements.

This phase includes comprehensive market research, competitive analysis, and user persona development to ensure your product is positioned for success. By defining a clear roadmap and aligning your business goals with market opportunities, we set the foundation for innovative and commercially viable products.

Product Strategy Process

The Product Strategy service can be broken down into four key stages: Research, Visioning, Road mapping, and Validation. Each stage is essential for developing a comprehensive strategy that aligns with market needs and business goals.

These stages ensure a comprehensive and systematic approach to Product Strategy, resulting in a well-defined plan that aligns with market needs and business objectives.



In the Research stage, we gather and analyse data to understand the market landscape. This involves:

Market Analysis
Conducting thorough research on market trends, customer needs, and competitive products.

User Research
Gathering insights through surveys, interviews, and user testing to understand user needs and behaviours.

SWOT Analysis
Identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the product.



During the Visioning stage, we define the product’s strategic direction. Activities include:

Goal Setting
Establishing clear business and product goals based on research findings.

Target Audience
Defining user personas and target market segments.

Value Proposition
Articulating the unique value the product will offer to users and the market.


Road Mapping

The Road Mapping stage focuses on planning the development and launch of the product. This involves:

Feature Prioritization
Identifying and prioritizing key features and functionalities.

Development Plan
Creating a high-level timeline and roadmap for product development and launch.

Resource Allocation
Determining the resources, budget, and team required to execute the strategy.



In the Validation stage, we test and refine the strategy to ensure its viability. This includes:

Developing prototypes or MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) to test key concepts.

Market Testing
Conducting beta tests or pilot launches to gather user feedback.

Iterating on the product and strategy based on feedback and test results.

What To Expect


The Product Strategy phase typically takes between 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the complexity of the market and the specific requirements.

This timeframe allows for comprehensive research, strategic planning, and validation to ensure a robust and actionable product strategy.


At the end of the Product Strategy phase, you will typically receive:

  • Comprehensive market and user research reports
  • SWOT analysis and competitive analysis reports
  • Defined user personas and target market segments
  • Clear value proposition and product positioning statements
  • A detailed product roadmap and development plan
  • Prototypes or MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) and validation results

Proportionate Cost

The cost for the Product Strategy service varies based on the project's complexity and scope. I provide a detailed proposal after an initial consultation, ensuring transparency and alignment with your budget. This investment ensures a well-researched and strategically sound plan that aligns with your business objectives and market needs.

As a guide, the allowance for the Product Strategy phase as a percentage of your overall project budget might look like:

Product Strategy - 10%
Industrial Design - 30%
Prototyping - 30 %
Design For Manufacture - 30%

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